Google Ads
June 14, 2024

Is Google Ads Right for Your Electrician Business? A Detailed Guide

Published By
Rob Elbaz
Reading Time
4 m

Are you an electrician seeking to boost your client base through online advertising? Google Ads might be the solution you need.

This guide will help you evaluate if it's the right choice for your business by examining profit margins, competition, target audience, and online presence. We'll also explore Google Local Services Ads as an alternative.

Assess Your Profit Margin and Acceptable Acquisition Costs

Understanding your profit margin is crucial for setting a realistic advertising budget. Here’s how to calculate how much you can spend on acquiring a new customer while remaining profitable:

Calculate Your Average Profit Per Job

Start by figuring out your average profit per job. For instance, if you earn $500 after expenses for each electrical job, this is your baseline profit.

You might have different profit margins for different job types. If that’s the case, you’ll want to think about each group of keywords in relation to the profitability of that job type. So for example, a search like “emergency electrician near me” might be more valuable to you than “electrical inspection.”

Determine Your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Based on your profit, decide how much you're willing to spend to acquire a new customer. A common rule of thumb is to aim for a CAC that is 10-20% of your average profit per job. 

In our example, this would be $50-$100, but again, different job types might have different acceptable acquisition costs. Keep this in mind when prioritizing your budget allocation

Calculate Your Budget

With your CAC in mind, set a monthly budget for Google Ads. If you’re willing to spend $100 per new customer and aim to get 10 new customers a month, your ideal budget would be $1,000.

In some cases, you may decide that you can spend an almost unlimited amount as long as your cost per acquisition is profitable. If that’s the case, you can forecast how much you are likely to spend based on demand and competition in your area.

Analyze the Competition and Marketplace

Local competition directly affects your Google Ads costs and success. Here’s how to analyze your competitive landscape and estimate your ad expenses:

Use Google’s Keyword Planner

This free tool allows you to check the cost per click (CPC) for relevant keywords in your area. For instance, searching for terms like "electrician near me" or "emergency electrical services" will give you an idea of the advertising costs.

With a bit of skill, Keyword Planner can guide you towards the lowest cost, highest potential keywords for your business. It is a powerful tool for campaign planning and forecasting

Assess Competitors’ Ads

Search for your services on Google and note the top advertisers. Analyze their ad copy, keywords, and landing pages to understand what you're up against.

Use Google Ads’ Auction Insights and SEMRush’s Keyword Overview Tool to estimate their monthly budgets and results.

Check Industry Benchmarks

Websites like WordStream provide industry benchmarks for CPC and other key metrics, helping you set realistic expectations.

Understand Your Target Audience

To advertise effectively, you need to know your target audience and their search habits. 

Here’s how to ensure your ads reach the right people:

Identify Customer Demographics

Understand the age, gender, location, and income level of your typical customers. Tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights can provide valuable demographic data about your audience to help you better understand who you are trying to attract.

Analyze Search Behavior

Determine how your target audience searches for services. Do they use Google for quick searches, or do they prefer recommendations from friends and family? Tools like Google Trends can help you understand search patterns.

Talk to Your Existing Customers

Find out what your best current customers have in common to help you understand what types of prospects you will work well with. What can these customers teach you about the things that matter to them when it comes to selecting a service?

Evaluate Your Online Presence

Your online presence is pivotal to the success of your Google Ads campaigns. Here’s how to evaluate and improve your digital footprint:

Optimize Your Website

Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and contains clear information about your services. High-quality content, easy navigation, and a fast load time are essential. Resources like Moz offer guides on improving website SEO.

Enhance Your Google My Business Profile

A complete and optimized Google My Business profile boosts your visibility in local searches. Make sure your profile includes accurate contact information, business hours, services, and high-quality images. You can find more tips on Google My Business Help.

Gather Customer Reviews

Positive reviews build trust and can improve your local search ranking. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on Google. Platforms like BrightLocal offer tips on collecting reviews effectively.

Alternative Advertising Options: Google Local Services Ads

Consider Google Local Services Ads (LSAs) as a cost-effective alternative if Google Ads appears too pricey or competitive. LSAs allow you to pay for each qualified lead rather than each click or impression, offering a more controlled and cost-effective way to advertise.

  • Pay Per Lead: Unlike traditional Google Ads, LSAs charge you only when a customer contacts you through the ad, ensuring your budget is spent on genuine leads. Learn more on the Google Local Services Ads page.
  • Builds Trust with Google Guarantee: LSAs come with the Google Guarantee badge, providing potential customers with added confidence in your services.
  • Easy Management: LSAs are designed for local businesses, making it simpler to manage and track your advertising efforts. You can adjust your budget and targeting settings easily.

Getting Started

Choosing the right advertising strategy involves evaluating your profit margins, competition, target audience, and online presence. By assessing these factors, you can decide if Google Ads suits your business or if Google Local Services Ads are a better fit. 

If you’ve run the analysis and decided Google Ads suits your business, the next step is setting up an account and launching your first campaigns.

For further reading about how to get started, read our post “Google Ads For Electricians: What You Need To Know To Get Started.”

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